Seraikela / Adityapur :- The notice reads that-It is notified from the government of Jharkhand that parking vehicles in the service lane is prohibited and a punishable offence,therefore the driver and his assistant if found parking their vehicle along the service lane shall be penalized .

This notice is painted just beside Varun Beverages , which clearly suggests the drivers and their their assistants to be vigilant and not to park their vehicles along side the service lane .As the governmental rules if the state if found doing so the driver shall be held responsible for jamming the service lane and shall be penalized.
But the notice and the orders are seemed to be just a mere wall graffiti and of no importance , despite of such orders lines of trucks can be seen parked along the service lane ,taking half the road space and directly violating the laws. Just in front of the notice painted, queue of unloaded and loaded trucks can be seen who’s drivers and assistants were also not present at the moment.

The whole belt of Small Industrial area of Adityapur has these similar scenes of parking along side of the service lane , which is taking up half of the road space and letting the utility of the service lane down.
What is service lane ? Why it is constructed?
A service lane is a road which runs parallel to a main (busy) road, mainly provides access for local traffic and thereby facilitating least interference to fast moving through traffic on main road. It also provides facilities like parking, change of direction.
And the sole purpose of service lane is to give ease to fast travelling vehicle on the highways and give passage to emergency vehicles if needed.
Team LOK ALOK further investigated and found that the drivers were knowingly or unknowingly parking their trucks along the side lane either for taking some rest or waiting for their turn to get loaded from the company and then move ahead towards the destination.
Upon asking ,’they told that due to lack of parking space we are forced to park our vehicle that makes us get into more trouble like at night halts as our vehicles are parked in open ,often diesel and battery form the trucks are stolen which creates a huge loss for us . we immediately demand a parking space from the government’.
So who to ask and whom to demand for the parking space still remains a big question mark,and how long will this this illegal parking will go on!!!!!!!
Report :- Abhirup Bhadra (Reporter , News Bharat 20 )